Friday, March 12, 2010

Three cheap motels and a whole lot of miles later, we are in Van Horn, Texas. It is amazing how the scenery changes a the miles go by. Even the types of cacti change from mile to mile; Prickly pears, barrel cacti, joshua trees, yuccas, saguaros, and many other types of desert plants. Beautiful! There are many changes to note as we travel the I10. Steve notices fuel prices; 2.55/gal. is the cheapest gas so far. He refuses to pay over 2.80! Laine and I venture into the various markets to shop for groceries. The wildest store we've been in so far was in Blythe, Ca.. The closer you got to the meat department, the stronger the smell of raw meats! There were various 3 gal. jars on the counter with raw shrimp, chicken pieces and several unidentified items floating in brine. There was a tiny dairy section with no half and half cream for coffee or yogurt. We managed to find some of the items we were looking for, but there were so many strange things that we had never seen before. I'm sure that shopping in Guatemala will be a lot more complicated even than that!
The motels have been very interesting too. The last place we stayed was only $45, but it wasn't very clean. I fell asleep thinking that we must be real missionaries to sleep in such a place!
Funny story: today we were at a rest stop and Cole immediately spied the snack machines and began asking for a Quarter. I was putting it off and putting it off. Finally I saw Cole skipping towards me with a bag of skittles. Steve had seen a fairly disgruntled man at the snack machine and we figured that Cole had probably jumped in and punched the numbers after the man had put in his money and then just taken the candy! Since we didn't realize it in time to approach the man, we just prayed that he would be able to forgive Cole and wouldn't harbour bitterness!
We were craving chicken today so we bought a whole chicken, cut up, and cooked it with veggies and Tandoori, mmmm.....good!
Blessings! See ya down the road.

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